Welcome to UnitedCoin. Money for everyone.

How do I open a new account? Have a friend with a UnitedCoin account create one for you, or text our founder: send 'Hello' to +1-305-675-1990

How to use UnitedCoin Mobile

Create New Accounts

To create an account for a new person enter the text message (for example): create +12345678910


To send money to someone enter the text message (for example): send $1 to +12345678910

See Your Balances

To see your account balances send the text message: balances

Change your PIN

To change your PIN use the text message (for example): change pin to 12345678

Submit your PIN

To submit your PIN use the text message (for example): PIN=12345678 or just text the pin number: 12345678

Refer a new user

To refer a new user to UnitedCoin, send the text message (for example): refer +1234567890

To receive help from UnitedCoin

Help is available on all UnitedCoin commands by sending text messages such as: help send, or: help help